I had a student from Canada name Melissa. She is eleven years old and is in the sixth grade. She used Prezi to create a blog post about herself. She is also part french. She have three best friends and many other good friends. She is the only child and has a pet rabbit name fluffy. She have four cousin and love doing activities with her family. She have a lot of awesome hobbies that I wish I can do in my spire time but school and work take up much of that time. Some of her hobbies are four wheeling, dirt biking, playing the Wii, listening to music and more. She plays a lot of sports such as volley ball, soccer, cross country, basketball and many others. She is a very active you girl. I asked her do she like blogging and how long have she been blogging.
My second student was Klaudia. Her post was about getting 500 blog post before Easter. She had made a big challenge with her teacher that she and her classmates can get five hundred blog post before Easter and if they accomplish their goal her and the class with have a party for their achievement. So all the students have to post at least three to four times a day. I thought that was brave of her and a big challenge to accomplish and I hope they get their party.
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